About Us

Community Alternatives is a private non-profit organization created specifically to support people with disabilities and their families in choosing and designing a life for themselves within their communities.

We start with the individual and identify their vision, their important relationships and their community interests and preferences. We work as a team to help the person achieve their own goals. We believe that the individual is the expert on what his or her life should look like.

OUR Mission

To encourage and promote the total integration of people who experience an illness or disability, to live as independently as possible in the community of their choice.

OUR Vision

Community Alternatives is a private, non-profit organization created specifically to support people with disabilities, and their families, in choosing and designing a life for themselves.

Community Alternatives will administer the highest degree of person and family centered care, and will do so by producing high quality outcomes, focusing on employee excellence and carefully matching Caregiver expertise to individual needs.

Our Caregivers will provide unsurpassed, individualized quality care that meets the total needs of each person. We believe every person is entitled to maximize his or her potential as a human being and as a member of society.

OUR Cornerstones

Take ownership and pride in everything we do.

Recognize that good people make the difference and are the key to our success.

Work together as one team.

Provide meaningful rewards for Members and Team Members.

Respect others through honesty, understanding and trust.

Put the Member first and the bottom line will take care of itself. Have fun and celebrate life every day.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know us.
We can’t wait to get to know you!
Contact Us Today:

503 S Main St
Shawano, WI 54166
Phone:  715 526-5566
Fax: 715 526-5574
Email: [email protected]