Our Services


Community Alternatives currently supports individuals in 13 residential homes. Residential homes support anywhere from 1 to 4 members, and are generally supported 24 hours per day with in-company nurse oversight. We work hard to build homes in which the housemates have commonalities. We also work hard to match Team Member personalities with personalities of the Members in which they will be supporting.

We welcome input from family members, guardians, friends, Care Teams, Physicians , or any other  natural supports the individual may have.  Community Alternatives prides itself in looking at the big picture when it comes to supporting individuals with disabilities, or as we like to say, different abilities.  Promoting independence, allowing Members to learn, grow and shine in their abilities is a priority.  We want the individuals we support to be an active participant in their own life.

Supports are further based off of the individualized needs of the person being supported including, but not limited to the following:

  • Showering/bathing, hair care, oral care, nail care
  • Medication management, and administration
  • Medical appointment coordination, and accompaniment
  • Diabetes management
  • Money Management
  • Personal shopping

Community Alternatives also works closely with local specialized resources such as Bridge the Gap for Autism, Lakeland Industries and Curative Connections. For those Members who are interested in community employment we also work closely with DVR. (See our resource section for more information on local specialized resources).

Finally, we believe everyone has the right to autonomy.  Community Alternatives places emphasis on Community interaction and providing opportunities for our Members to engage in a variety of Community events as well as events created specifically for them!


Coping with an aging loved one, or a family member with a disability can be stressful. Balancing a career, family life, and the needs of others can be tough. Do you or someone you know need a little help, or a lot of help.  Maybe the amount of help you could use fluctuates.  If you can relate to this situation Community Supports may be what you are looking for.

The Community division of Community Alternatives provides drop in supports to Members living in their own homes.  Community Members generally speaking do not require 24 hour care and are either independent or require limited assistance with most Activities of Daily Living (ADL) tasks.  Members receive intermittent supports ranging as few as an hour or two per month to twelve or more hours per day. There is no minimum requirement of hours per day/week/month that we will provide supports. Skilled Caregivers offer assistance with a wide variety of everyday life tasks including but not limited to the following:

  • Showering/bathing, hair care, oral care, nail care
  • Medication management, reminders, and administration
  • Diabetes management
  • Range of Motion, at home Physical Therapy exercises
  • Money management, budgeting
  • Grocery shopping, menu planning, meal preparation
  • Local errands: going to the bank, post office, picking up prescriptions
  • Housekeeping, laundry, organizing
  • Simple, joyful, companionship

How to get started, and obtain more information:

Start by calling the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of the Wolf River Region.  The Wolf River Region of the ADRC serves Oconto, Shawano, and Menominee Counties as well as the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. The toll free number is:  855-492-2372.

The ADRC will assist you in determining if you qualify for any state assistance with the care of your loved one.

If you find you do not qualify for any of the state assisted programming Community Alternatives also offers supports based off of a private pay rate.  Please call the Community Alternatives office at 715-526-5566 for details.