Blizzard Evelyn
We want to give a huge thanks to all those Community Alternatives staff that went above and beyond this last weekend during Blizzard Evelyn. We can start with our wonderful plowing crew, Josh and company over at Collins Creative Concrete. They plowed all our homes so staff could get in and helped clear ramps and emergency exits in case of fire. In many cases, we were plowed before most of the neighborhood. We could not have done it without you.
In our Drop in Community services, kudos go to Denise Peplinski and Mary Behrendt for not only braving the elements, but walking thru deep snow as many roads were not even plowed, let alone driveways and entrances. They were able to check in on many vunerable people and make sure they had meals, medications and were generally alright. Jen B and Betty also trudged thru record breaking snow on day 2 making sure everyone was ok. Ken our nurse helped a number of locations dig out their furnace vents and in one case furnace was already out because vent was clogged. In our residential homes the stories are very humbling! McKayla Gast walked from Leig St to Robin Ln at 5am to make her shift, before roads were even plowed! Special thanks also go out to Stacy B., Leslie J., Cheryl, Theresa and Kierston worked the whole weekend. Josh made it in from out of town.Emily Retzlaff is only relief staff now but came in and covered shifts to help out. Jamie B. and all those at Robin Ln. house you are awesome. Deb Doering came in Sunday night so she could work Monday which ended up being just as bad.Kudos to all staff that were willing to come in regardless of the weather. Kayla and Brad working doubles. In townies- Dave and Jim willing to work for those out of town that could not get in…..Melinda and Cora and Angie for helping find rides for those that couldn’t get out. Toni coordinated all her houses but could not get out of her own street. Cheryl RJ thanks for pulling Diane out and putting in long hours. Thank you Sam Arrowood. Nichole Flessert and Ricky you are awesome. Boyfriends, husbands and friends that were willing to drive and pick people up. Colleen-snow was almost taller than you! We are greatful to all our staff, including anyone not mentioned and those behind the scenes that organized-Dena Wulf you rock. We at CA and families of the people we support are greatful for your heroic efforts and going above and beyond. Most places have the ability to shut down in these circumstances, but 24/7 staffed residential homes do not. Staff still had to be there….we couldn’t have more pride or appreciation for the wonderfully dedicated staff here at Community Alternatives. You are the reason people want to receive supports thru us and why people want to work here. Thank you again everyone and anyone that I may not have mentioned by name!