We had a wonderful time at Ski and Believe! The Shawano Ski Sharks offered skiing lessons for people with disabilities and it was an awesome opportunity. Check out their site and pictures at Shawano Ski Sharks
by Julie Miller
We had a wonderful time at Ski and Believe! The Shawano Ski Sharks offered skiing lessons for people with disabilities and it was an awesome opportunity. Check out their site and pictures at Shawano Ski Sharks
by Julie Miller
Shawano and Menominee Counties in conjunction with their respective High Schools will be offering a transition fair to students that will be completing high school and looking to enter into the workforce. Numerous vendors will be on hand to talk with students about what is next and offer resources that may assist them with this transition.
Transition Fair will be held on October 8, 2015 at 9:25am at the Menominee College
by Julie Miller
On Friday August 14, 2015 the Shawano Ski Sharks are holding their “Believe and Ski” Program. The program will run from noon until about 4pm or until everyone gets a chance to ski. This is a specially trained and certified group that will provide adaptive skiing for people with disabilities. Cost is free to people in our program and food will also be provided. A special ski sled will be utilized and spotters ride along with the skier. It will be well supervised and safe for participants. Anyone interested can contact our office for sign up sheet and waiver form. Please respond soon as space is limited
by Julie Miller
Are you or anyone you know looking to make a difference in someone’s life? We are currently hiring part-time staff to work in a home setting with individuals challenged with disabilities here in Shawano. We are looking for PCW’s and C.N.A’s  We offer very competitive pay, flexible hours and excellent benefits. If interested, stop by our office or DEN Services in Clintonville to pick up an application.
by Julie Miller
Assembly Representative Mark Born-R, Beaver Dam, has introduced a motion that would take the changes to Family Care, IRIS and Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) out of the 2015-17 Biennial Budget. Now other legislators need to join Representative Born to make this happen! The motion is not final but is under consideration in the legislature. Representative Born and other legislators have concerns about the lack of details in the current budget proposal and are asking for more research and input from stakeholders to understand how these major changes to long-term care programs will affect people with disabilities, the elderly, their families and the state.
As the Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee makes final decisions about what stays in or comes out of the budget, they need to hear that people with disabilities, the elderly, family members and communities want these changes removed from the budget NOW! The current proposal to turn Family Care into a statewide for-profit insurance plan, to eliminate IRIS and to dismantle ADRCs have caused great concern statewide. There are still many unanswered questions.
Here are the 4 Action Steps YOU Can Take:
1.    Call or write your legislator and say: “Will you support the budget motion authored by Representative Mark Born to take the significant changes to our state’s long-term care system out of the budget? I am very concerned about the changes to Family Care, IRIS and ADRCs for these reasons (tell your story). I think these changes need to come out of the budget now so that stakeholders can provide input and that the state can better understand all the impacts. Bottom line: we need many more details and answers to our questions.â€
2.   Ask your legislator to confirm with you that they will publicly support the Born motion and will contact the co-chairs of the Joint Finance Committee to ask them to pull the changes to Family Care, IRIS and Aging and Disability Resource Centers out of the budget.
3.   Share the Born motion with your legislator and people in your community. Ask people you know to contact their legislators as well. The motion is attached and linked here: http://www.disabilityrightswi.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Born-Motion.pdf
4.   Share with your legislators this list of questions that still need to be answered: http://goo.gl/qA50Pi Ask your legislator if they will help you get answers to your questions.
Don’t Know Who Your Legislator is?
·      Go here and type your address under “Find My Legislatorsâ€:  http://legis.wisconsin.gov/
·      Or call this toll-free number: 1-800-362-9472
Lisa Pugh, Public Policy Director
Coordinator, Wisconsin Disability Policy Partnership
131 W. Wilson St.
Suite 700
Madison, WIÂ 53703
608-267-0368 (fax)
Twitter: @WisDisPolicy https://twitter.com/#!/WisDisPolicy
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